Photoshop homework 1 - how to edit out background

This tutorial seemed fairly simple. I've used photoshop before, but it was helpful to refresh my mind on the different selection tools. I've used the lasso tool before, but had never seen an object selection tool, at least the way the man was using it in the video. The hardest part when editing will probably be the hair, and having to go back and refine. - neon light effect

This tutorial showed how one artist used photoshop to create a neon triangular light around a person. It was surprisingly simple – they used the pen tool to create the triangle, then used the paintbrush to create the glow coming off of the triangle, and turned down the opacity. The artist then touched it up afterwards, and added stars and clouds in the background. The most difficult part seems to be creating the pink glow reflection on the person's face because it seems meticulous. - paint drip effect

This photo showed how to create a drip effect for a portrait. They first refined the portrait of the person, then added in a drip image into a new layer. They then command-clicked the background to make it proactive, and deleted the white bottom so that it matched the background of the photo. This tutorial seems relatively simple, and I'm excited to try it myself.


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